We have learned how strong and important European and Swiss agriculture is, how innovative Swiss companies are and how innovative the many start-ups that develop new products are – from plant-based to food waste. But we have also learned that the best innovations and the most sustainable agriculture have little chance on the market if citizens do not participate in their role as consumers. We are convinced that both Swiss and EU citizens are ready to participate in the transformation of the food sector. Studies show that consumers pay more for food when they know the real value of the products and when they know what is good for them, for the animals and for the environment. But adequate and transparent information is hard to find in the digital information jungle these days. And if you do find it, it takes a lot of patience and, above all, knowledge of the market, the sector, the background, the supply chains and much more. Your own diet can quickly become a science that most citizens simply do not have time for in their everyday lives.