The current food system as we know it today is not sustainable, this is an inescapable reality: the over-consumption of animal proteins and unacceptable conditions in animal farming, highly processed foods which leads to obesity, supply chains that span from continent to continent while consuming tremendous amounts of energy & resources, moreover deforestation, degrading soils and struggling local farmers. And the holistic use of farm animals (from nose to tail) is just a reminder of the good old days as well as the loss of value of our food, otherwise the massive amount of food waste cannot be explained.
Most people agree: the food system needs to be re-invented. Innovation (including a revival of old techniques) could be one of the key drivers for a new food system, as well as for a prosperous economy and a healthy planet. Innovations need to be implemented in the existing food system and supported by governments. And overall – by the consumer, the real shareholders of the food system, who could become the biggest supporter for a transition to a more healthy, ethical and sustainable food system.
Studies show that consumers are happy to support new products and pay more for food when they know the real value of the products, for themselves, for the animals and for the environment. But transparent information is hard to find in the digital information jungle these days. New food habits can quickly become a science that most citizens simply cannot push into everyday lives.